Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Your mama was right

When she told you to wear nice underwear in case of an accident. I have lower standards. My advice: Wear underwear. Period.
I heard tell of a certain young lady who was shopping at a low end thrift shop. What can she say? She is addicted to these places. One never knows when one might find a hidden jewel. 
Hands in pockets, she had been perusing for some twenty minutes when a man missing a significant percentage of teeth called from three aisles away:
"I don't mean to embarrass you. I'm only telling you this as a friend. But your fly is unzipped."
The young lady could only be grateful it was not her favorite thrift shop.
Final warning: if you insist on going commando, for the love of all things holy, don a pair before shopping in stores where used underwear is sold for a quarter lest anyone think you are too poor to afford them.

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